you can create and share a creative and novel (new) study tool that represents any anatomy or physiology topic from A&P I. You will not receive points for copied or widely known study tools, so do not copy and paste from Google or any other source. Let your creative juices flow as you continue to learn A&P.
Project: You can complete 1 project for 1 post from any of the categories:
reflective/analyticalMyth Buster handout w/at least 1 peer reviewed scientific reference proving the myth wrong
Personal reflection/case study w/1 page double spaced explaining an A&P concept and how it relates to a real world situation
VB Notecards/Flashcard deck or Tour of Anatomy
creativepneumonic study tool (can not be an already published pneumonic that can be found on Google)
children’s story book/poem over an A&P concept
artistic creation
musical piece (song, dance, skit)

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