The required word counts below do NOT include in-text citations.
1. Please choose one musical artist that is currently putting out music, that we have NOT studied in the textbook or in the discussion board posts. You may select any musical artist/group you would like as long as they are part of one of the genres, we have studied this semester and are not a tribute band, discussed in the book or used in your discussion posts. In a complete sentence below, list the name of the artist/group you would like to present on and why you chose that artist.
2. The first step of the oral presentation worksheet is to identify 3 scholarly sources that you will use as sources for the information you will present. Scholarly sources are not Wikipedia, AskMy Professor, WiseGeek, Quizlet, or Look for sources that are .edu or .org as a starting point. The first thing that comes up when you google a artist/group is not always the best choice.
Using create full citations and put them in alphabetical order. Citations should be in alphabetical order.
3. Your presentation must be 3 – 5 minutes in length. The rubric for this assignment requires three-part organization: introduction, body, and conclusion. In the spaces below, provide a few sentences that provide an overview of content you will present. At this time, I am leaving it up to you to determine what you would like to focus on in your presentation. In the box below, provide at least 150 words describing what you plan to discuss in the introduction. Do not type everything you plan to say, just the important ideas that will make up the introduction. Don’t forget to provide in-text citations in your writing below to show which source will provide the information.
4. The body of your presentation should have 3 main topics. Please list the three main topics you think are important in this musical artist’s life and a small amount of information about each. Please write at least 300 words describing what the body of your presentation will include. Don’t forget to provide in-text citations here too.
5. The conclusion of your presentation should provide a brief recap of what the presentation was about and some listening or viewing suggestions for the person watching your presentation so that they know what other information you think might be interesting to them. This section should contain at least 100 words. Don’t forget to include in-text citations.

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