short 8-10 page research paper (double-spaced, 12
point font) on a topic pertaining to the question of whether Asia is ripe for rivalry or
primed for peace.
Some scholars contend that Asia is “ripe for rivalry,” citing great-power competition,
economic decoupling, nationalisms, territorial disputes, and weapons proliferation in the
region. Others, however, argue that economic interdependence, the Asian-style of
diplomacy, the democratic changes, the rise of middle powers, and a web of regional
institutions in the region will mitigate inter-state conflict and power politics so that a hot
or cold war can be avoided and Asian can retain its interdependent growth.
You can choose any topic on either side of the debate to write on. It does not matter which side you choose, but you must use economic impact and the history of the Senkakou Island disputes to argue your side.

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