Note that the main questions contain several sub-questions. You don’t have to answer all of the sub-questions; they’re just meant as a way to spark some ideas. Note also that you need to engage with Laudato si’ Download Laudato si’to draw out Francis’ perspective and your own. For this paper, the focus needs to be on your interaction with Laudato si’ rather than “Can Planet Earth Feed 10 Billion People?”.
How does Pope Francis imagine freedom? Do you share his sense that this issue relates to climate change?
In what ways do things like a belief in the dignity of the human person or the common good play into his conception?
How does his conception work against what he calls the “technocratic paradigm”? Do you see instances of this “technocratic paradigm” in the societies that surround us?
This is a theology class and it is important to note the theological aspects of his message.
Your reflection should be about two pages long, double-spaced. It does not need to provide quotes but does need to have carefully read, and thought deeply about, Laudato si’. If you do want to include a quote, don’t worry about the citation format; you can just note where it comes up in our version of the document.

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