3 questions, 1), 2) and 4) :
Q1: https://prnt.sc/dCcLaRKLMSs7
Please use this for Q1: https://www.ibisworld.com/au/industry/online-food-ordering-delivery-platforms/5538/
Q2: https://prnt.sc/5WQMz_r03n1h
Q4: https://prnt.sc/_NMP2IdLtVyr
For Q4 please include supporting data/numerical example along with definitions and diagrams.
Word Limits
Q1: 200-250 words;
Q2: 200-250 words;
Q4: 600 – 800 words.
(* )Pls use accurate economic terminology, use economic reasoning & analysis, and include diagrams for these questions>

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