Please write An Executive Summary for this case study. An Executive Summary is a written form of business communication that is intended to document analysis of a business problem and recommended courses of action. It should include a descriiption of the current situation, a problem statement that describes the decision needing to be made and why it’s important to address, a descriiption of the methodology you’re employing to study the problem, a statement of the assumptions (if any) you’re making to simplify the analysis, a discussion of the results you’ve obtained, and finally, your recommendation with quantitative support that demonstrates how it will improve upon the firm’s current approach (that is, what relative (%) improvements can be expected if your recommendations are accepted?).
The write up should be no more than 3 pages, double spaced, and in 12pt font. Tables and Figures are strongly encouraged to help visualize and communicate your findings to your reader. Exposition is also important

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