
These are the link for all of the stories
– “The Lady with a Little Dog” (one story in a larger collection) by Anton Chekhov:
The Yellow Wall-Paper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman:
“A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” by Gabriel
Garcia Marquez:
“Gusev”: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1944/1944-h/1944-h.htm#link2H_4_0009
“To Room Nineteen”:
“The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World”:

Write an analytical essay that considers in detail one of these accusations against roth and his book.

Philip Roth’s American Pastoral has been criticized from at least three points of view:
(1) It has been called sexist in its portrayal of women characters.
(2) It has been called racist in its depiction of the 1967 Newark riots and aftermath.
(3) It has been called a trivialization of the 1960s protest movement against the Vietnam War.
Write an analytical essay that considers in detail one of these accusations against Roth and his book.
You can find American Pastoral guilty, partially guilty, or innocent of the accusation you choose. If
you consider the accusation inaccurate or unfair, you should at least indicate that you understand why
someone might make the accusation before you then go on to dispute it.
With #2 and #3 above, you will probably want to do some research to see what you can learn about the
Newark riots or the protest movement of the 60s. You should document with citations any use that you
make of outside sources. But you are not being asked to write a research paper. Your argument is
about the novel, and your main evidence for that argument should be textual evidence in the novel itself.
Here is an extra piece of advice I keep forgetting to give you. Do not title your essay “Paper 3.” Use
an actual title, one that suggests your topic and approach.

What is rest?

In response to one of the prompts below, write an organized, well-developed essay with a thesis, an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion that supports its claim with specific material cited from the text. All internal citations, plus a works cited page, should be made according to MLA standards (shown below).
Example: When Beowulf questions Hrothgar about the attack by Grendel’s mother, Hrothgar replies, “Rest? What is rest? Sorrow has returned” (1322).
Without exception, the paper must include the following:
Thesis Statement – You must make an identifiable, arguable claim about the text. Your thesis should come at the end of your introductory paragraph.
Textual Evidence – Each point made should be supported directly by relevant quoted or paraphrased material from the primary text. Do not consult secondary sources.
The essay must be three to five (3-5) pages in length and is due in class on November 22.
Belwouf is the only source you need to use and use in text cite

List the author name(s) and literary work(s) you plan to write about.

List the author name(s) and literary work(s) you plan to write about.
Provide a research question. This is the question you most want to answer as you proceed in your research project. (Example Research Questions: What is Homer saying in The Iliad and The Odyssey about suffering and loss during war, and even after? What do Homer’s works collectively suggest about the role of women in that time period?)
Provide a clearly-labelled working thesis statement. This should be a one-sentence declarative statement that clearly announces the purpose/intent of your eventual paper- what is it out to prove in its argument? You might think of this working thesis statement as a possible answer to your research question. (Example Working Thesis Statement: Homer employs harmful gender stereotypes in his depiction of women in both The Iliad and The Odyssey.)
Write a proposal paragraph in which you explain why you are interested in this literature, what led you to this topic, what you hope to learn as you proceed in your research, and any possible challenges or concerns you might face as you work on this project.

Choose one of the works of fiction that have been assigned this term and choose the character you think to be the most fully developed in it.

Character development can be defined as the elements in a narrative that provide a character’s qualities. This development may be direct, as when a narrator or other character describes a character directly, or indirect, as when figurative language or a character’s actions, word choices, or conflicts indicate a character’s qualities. Choose one of the works of fiction that have been assigned this term and choose the character you think to be the most fully developed in it. Then write an essay arguing for that character’s most important quality and using examples of character development from the story to support your thesis.
Successful essays will 1) have a clear thesis statement, 2) be responsive to the prompt, 3) support the essay’s thesis by identifying details from a literary text and explaining how they support the analysis in the essay, and 4) using the conventions of MLA style to cite quoted or paraphrased material. Every student and scholar of literature writes about the primary texts that they read. But what they write mostly is not summary of what happens in a work of literature, but they write an analysis of it. For this assignment, you will write a kind of essay typically called a close reading. It will require you to analyze a work that we have read this term and support this analysis with only details from the text and your explanation of how the details support your analysis. This kind of analysis focuses on paying attention to how specific details, word choices, and figurative language in a literary text make meaning. You may find that you have to summarize some of the text you are writing about in order to clearly state the details that you are using to support your claims, but an essay that simply summarizes the text will not earn a passing grade.