E​‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‌​vidence of thorough and careful reading of texts. Attenti

E​‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‌​vidence of thorough and careful reading of texts.
Attentiveness to narrative form (e.g.the novel or other long-form writing, short story, collage — this means you should think about how the narrative begins and ends, what kind of development takes place over a long form like the novel, or what the effects are of more disjointed narrative) and detail (such as narrative voice, perspective, language, treatment of time and space — you do not have to include all these ​‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‌​and may include others), and an effort to develop analysis that links these details to your broader reading of the texts.
A well-designed structure that brings out the different relationships between the texts. Plan carefully. Include an introduction and conclusion to frame your argument, telling the reader what to expect, and what has been accomplished in the essay. Signpost your argument throughout with clear topic sentences to show the reader how it is developing​‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‌​.

– Instructions are in the attached files – The story is also attacked in the fil

– Instructions are in the attached files
– The story is also attacked in the files
Instruction review + additional comment:
– Please provide evidence such as quotes throughout the essay
– Please provide a clear thesis (the last sentence of the intro paragraph)
You could write about the symbolism of the black veil and the uncanniness of the story. (the black veil represents a person’s sins)
– Please don’t use the 5-paragraph essay template — Any other ways of writing works

Poetry Explication. Essay format: Choose one of the following poems and explica

Poetry Explication. Essay format: Choose one of the following poems and explicate it fully in an essay. In your explication, remember to include such elements as rhyme scheme, kind of poem, figures of speech (simile, metaphor, personification, apostrophe, alliteration, etc.), meter pattern, theme, mood, tone, setting, irony, imagery, diction, and special stylistic devices that the author employs—anything that is important to the poem/song that you choose. Be sure to explain the effect that the device has on the poem. You know that you will not discuss every term because they will not be present in every poem. It is like your presentation—just discuss what is pertinent to the poem that you have chosen. If you are familiar with the author of the poem/song, you may choose to discuss his or her life as it is revealed in the particular work. You may also choose to explain why you chose this poem/song out of all the poems/songs that you were given to choose from. (85 points)
Give your essay a WOW! title.
“Only God Can Judge 2pac…”
Black man, Black boy, Prince, Thug,
Revolutionary, Symbol. They only see your
tattoos, jewelry, and body language. They only
hear your vulgar words, defiant messages, and
your unavoidable controversy. They see your life
as a threat, they comment chickens came home
to roost They blame you for violence in
America, they pour disgust on you and point the
finger at you for problems in our families.
Black man, Black boy, Prince, Thug,
Revolutionary, Symbol. We see you as the dark
truth they are scared to accept. We see you as the
voice we sometimes could not find. We see you
as a young Malcolm X. Alcohol, drugs, women
and prison consumed you, as it did Brother
Malcolm. Yet those that knew you, knew you
were on the way out, you had seen the light and
moved toward it. We felt your pain, so similar to
ours. We felt your frustration, so similar to ours.
We felt your anger, so similar to ours. You are an
unavoidable realness. To Generation X, as they
describe it, you are a 1996 Elvis, John Lennon,
Jimi Hendricks, Sammy Davis, Ella Fitzgerald.
Those that don’t know, may never know. Those
that do know, truly know that… Only God Can
Judge You!

Write a one (1) page paper with clearly defined terms, topic, and developed thes

Write a one (1) page paper with clearly defined terms, topic, and developed thesis that compares/contrasts the role of the lady in “Lay of the Were-Wolf” with a female character in Beowulf. Be sure to link your ideas to the literature.
DRAW SPECIFICALLY FROM THE TEXT. DO NOT REFERENCE OUTSIDE SOURCES (Google, Wikipedia, student guides, encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.). DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Plagiarism results in an “F” on the paper, and the paper and it cannot be re-done. A second instance of plagiarism results in automatic failure of the course.
USE STANDARD MLA STYLE (see MLA Style Sheet under “Class Information”).
Always create your own title for your assignment (do not call it Assignment 3 or “The Lay of the Were-Wolf and Beowulf”) and double-space all writing.
Your writing must show that you have properly met the standards of what I consider acceptable for a 200-level literature course. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that your papers are proof-read before you hand them in. Below is how I break down the points:
Clear thesis, well-organized supporting points and conclusion: 60%
Cited adequately and correctly from the texts: 20%
Demonstrated writing strength (structure, spelling, grammar): 20%

Pease FIll in the Form: This ONLY needs to be over ONE CHAPTER from the book! Ti

Pease FIll in the Form: This ONLY needs to be over ONE CHAPTER from the book!
Title: Tell No One
Author: Harlan Coben
(This section should be one or two
paragraphs long. What was the text about? What was the story? This is necessary
so that I can understand your reflection and comments.)
In this section
you should do a short analysis of the text by discussing the tools the author
used and whether the author used them effectively or not. You could also
examine how would the analysis be different if read through another lens?
Take time to think
about what you read and what it means to you. Here are some things you must
What did you
think of what you read? Are you enjoying it or not and why?
What are the main
themes (or ideas) that the author is trying to convey to the reader? (Show me that you are thinking about what you
are reading)
Can you relate
this text to your life in any way? Explain why you can or cannot. Remember you
can almost certainly relate some element of the theme to your life even if the
plot and characters are far removed from your life.
ideas you can write about:
How did this
reading make you feel?
Would you
recommend this text to someone else? Why or why not?
Would you read
this text again?
Does this remind
you of anything else you have read? Does it remind you of any movies or TV
shows you have seen?
Were there any
characters you really liked? Why did you like them?
What was your
favorite thing about this text? Why?

Use my proposal to write this paper and the sources I have and any other sources

Use my proposal to write this paper and the sources I have and any other sources you find.
What is the general subject area you’re interested to learn further about your local community? Phone use and social media use among kids in middle school and younger.
What is a specific issue from that general subject area you’d like to work with? The effects Phone use and social media use has on kids in middle school and younger.
Why is this topic important to you? This topic is important because I have been working with younger kids all summer, and I feel that they shouldn’t have phones. There is always a fight or drama, they don’t play like kids anymore, social media is corrupting their minds, and they believe everything they see on the internet.
Have you conducted any initial research? What have you known about this topic, and what do you expect to learn from researching it further? I haven’t done an initial search, but I am hoping to find out how many younger kids use social media, how much has the rate of cyberbullying gone up since they’ve joined.
What is a research question you tend to answer? Does social media/ phone use of younger kids create more school, friendships, and health problems, if it does? How?
From that research question, what is the claim (your major argument) you have developed? Phone/ social media use in younger kids is causing much more problems with bullying in school, corrupting their minds, health, and friendships.
Like Paper 2, you will need to supply at least two reasons (or evidence) to support your claim. What are they? Use your own words to state your reasons. Try to list them as Reason 1 and Reason 2. Other than two reasons from your side, you need to deal with at least one major argument from the other side (or rebuttal). What is the major argument from the other side you will deal with?
Reason 1- social media can expose youth to cyberbullying and inappropriate and graphic content
Reason 2- social media can cause these children to experience a delay in their emotional and social development
8. How would you refute the rebuttal (or the argument from the other side)? Connecting through social media can strengthen friendships and facilitate social support that protects children against depression and bullying