annotating poemRuth Foreman’s “Poetry Should Ride the Bus”

Use a minimum of 5 elements from the chapter introductions to help you annotate the poem. Consider the following questions to better understand the use of literary elements within the poems:
After reading the poem aloud, what questions pop into your thoughts? Jot them down in the margin of the page.
Identify all words that stand out, familiar and unfamiliar.
Who is the speaker? What are you able to determine regarding the speaker’s age, sex, sensibilities, level of awareness and values? Is the speaker addressing anyone in particular?
How have you (the reader) responded to the speaker? Favorably? Negatively?
What is the situation? Are there any special circumstances that inform what the speaker says?
What does the title emphasize?
Is the theme presented directly or indirectly?
Do any allusions enrich the poem’s meaning?
What is the tone? mood?
What is the theme of the poem?
What kind of strategies does the author use to point out the theme?
What are the tone and mood of the poem? Remember they are different!
What kind of strategies does the author use to make the mood clear?
How does the figurative language impact the poem as a whole?

How do these songs offer a particular experience or “phenomenological” understanding of LA

Please use the 3 songs and analyze how the particular songs reflect, or speak directly to Los Angeles.
The three songs to use are:
California Dreamin- The Mamas and Papas
I love La- Randy Newman
Beverly Hills- Weezer
You must use all 3 of these songs.
The focus of the essay is “Look into the ways songs represent a particular culture in L.A. Culture in this case could mean ethnicity or country of origin, but it could also mean a subculture that revolves around an activity or place (such as surfers, car culture, etc.)”- Please do this analysis for each song.
For the introduction, it should end with a thesis that gives your readers a complex claim that explains how music is able to speak to or reflect a neighborhood, landscape, culture, or community in Los Angeles, and also needs to be based on the focus of the essay which is mentioned above.
You must integrate Josh Kun’s essay, “Los Angeles is Singing.” For your readers, you must accurately summarize the ideas, theories, terms, or concepts you are using from your source (making sure your summary is understandable to a reader who is not familiar with the source you’re introducing, but that summarizing does not take over your essay). The essay is attached.
Please make sure to also quote lyrics from the songs before providing analysis on them.
The essay must be 5 paragraphs long.
When writing the essay please avoid listing the songs like “The first song I picked”, organize it around original ideas and claims about how music represents LA.
Please include works cited, and don’t forget to include quotes from all the attached files in the essay! Please cite the songs as well as the essay.
Thank You!

First Assignment 100 words As we start working directly on critical thinking, I

First Assignment 100 words
As we start working directly on critical thinking, I’d like you to consider why it is worth it to you to do this. For most of you, this is a required course for a degree that you need in order to pursue a career that matters to you or pays you well. And that’s a valid reason for getting this class done. But since you are taking it, what about being a better critical thinker appeals most to you? To get some inspiration, I’d like you to read: these two short pieces:
Why Learn Critical Thinking and Habits of Critical Thinkers TFY
Why Study Argument
Then, write a reflection here about what stood out to you from the readings. What interested or motivated you? What surprised or confused you? What do you want to know more about now?
Bonus: find an image or quote that connects to your motivation or habit. Include it and explain why you chose it.
What I’m expecting in these reflections:
Show that you did the reading and thought about it.
Write enough to get your ideas across. Aim for 100 or more words per question.
As I mentioned in class, as we are working on our critical thinking, we will be trying a variety of writing and thinking experiences. The goal with each one will be to try to s-t-r-e-t-c-h your current ways of thinking in new ways, or to invite you to see something differently than you have before. If we want new understanding and new skills, that means we’ve got to try some new things!
To get started on our next stretch experience, I’d like you to read “Look at Your Fish”. This essay is a kind of introduction to the experience itself, which I’ll introduce in an upcoming assignment.
As you read, I encourage you to think about:
Why did Prof. Agassiz keep saying “look at your fish!”? What was he trying to teach Scudder? Is this an effective way of teaching? How does it differ or compare to how you normally think of “good” teaching?
Describe the stages of Scudder’s process of looking. What happened at each stage of observing? (how does he feel, what spurs him on, etc). What does this tell you to expect about real learning? Have you had any experiences like Scudder’s?
After reading, please explain your answers to those questions in detail. My expectations for these answers:
Write at least 250 words & include the word count at the end.
Explain your thinking with details or quotes from “Look at Your Fish.” Make sure to put quotes around any exact words from the text.
Third Assigment
In your readings on “Why Learn Critical Thinking…” and “Why Study Argument?” you heard some claims that slowing down is important for strengthening your thinking skills. And Scudder’s professor really pushes him to slow down in his observations. How persuaded are you by this idea of slowness? How hard does it seem to do? Or, how often are you pushed to go faster rather than slower in your daily life? For one last argument in favor of slowness, I’d like you to read this article, “Why Slow Thinking Wins.” As you read, I’d like you to pay attention to some of the examples and experts the author draws on. So, please consider these questions: The author talks at some length about a nonprofit program “Becoming a Man.” Why?
The article includes quotes from someone named Shah. Why?
After reading, please write a short paragraph here in reaction to the article. Why do you think the author discussed “Becoming a Man” in this piece on slow thinking? How does it connect to slowness? What parts of the article were most convincing to you or least convincing and why? Expectations: Aim to write 150-words
Try to use specifics from the article
If it is helpful, make connections to your own experiences
Fourth Assigment
I’d like you to spend a few minutes reading this short essay, “The Innocent Eye.” It was written by a painter. Does anything in this piece seem especially true or persuasive from your own experience? I’d also like to know what connections you see between it and any of the readings from last week, “Look at Your Fish,” “Why Slow Thinking Wins” and/or “Why Study Argument?” and “Why Learn Critical Thinking”?
Please write a short paragraph here with your thoughts. Aim to write 100 -150 words or more and use at least one specific line or example from the “The Innocent Eye.”

ESL/TEFL US Video Observation Course

For this assignment, you will be asked to consider the two different lessons you have watched and decide which of them had a better balance of STT (student talking time) and TTT (teacher talking time).
Written assignment
This is a written assignment that you will need to complete online in the text box provided. Please pay attention to the following instructions:
• Pay attention to the word count provided – if your answer is 10% over or under the word count you may be asked to redo the assignment. Try writing in note form or using bullet points to display your information for best results.
• You may compose your answer in a word processor and then copy that answer and paste it in the online text box. Please ensure that the answer is formatted correctly if you choose this method.
This is between the poorly agree & disagree delivered lesson (attached: poorly.mp4) and the good agree & disagree lesson (attached: good.mp4). You need to choose between the clips and explain your reasoning.
Attached videos:

Please decide which of the two lessons you watched had a better balance of STT and TTT and explain why you thought so.
Word count: 75 words.
Your answer: