The study of women in history depends on having accurate records still in existe

The study of women in history depends on having accurate records still in existence today.  Though only a small amount of information is available, there are still some good examples of women during the 4th and 5th centuries who cared for their families while also being involved in their church and social environment.
Reference Book – Feminine Threads by Diana Lynn Severance
Six Women of Focus: Marcella, Paula, Melania, Emmelia, Monica, and Mary
Using the provided chart, make a comparison of these women describing their Marriage & family, Economic & social status, Relationship with God, Ministries & accomplishments.
After the chart, complete the following:
What are the common characteristics of many of the Christian women who are remembered during this time of history?  (1-2 paragraphs)
Compare some of their ministries and accomplishments with women today.  (1-2 paragraphs)
APA is not required, but biblical support is expected for your answers.

Reading Response Paper Guidelines to Assigned Readings You are required to write

Reading Response Paper Guidelines to Assigned Readings
You are required to write three separate papers for the assigned reading chapters.
•    Read: Sisters in the Struggle by Bettye Collier-Thomas: 
Chapter 10, Chapter 11, and Chapter 12
Students are required to write 2 pages double-spaced 1’ margin. for each paper specified reading chapters, for a total of six (6 pages)
Based on the assigned reading assignments, respond to the six questions listed below identifying question #’s 1- 6 for each chapter on each of the papers:
Papers must be grammatically sound, correctly punctuated, and properly sentence structured. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Cite your sources carefully with the page number! One point will be taken for each word spelled incorrectly.
1.    Identify and write a sentence or paragraph in the reading that made you stumble or caused a moment of “aha.” Describe why the particular sentence stuck out or caused a response in you. (Include the page number where the sentence is found)
2.    Identify a sentence that represents the thesis/proposition in this reading.
3.    What are the most persuasive ideas in the document?
4.    Are there points/ideas you do not agree with? List them.
5.    What new learnings did you find in the text and would you be interested in doing additional research?
6.    How does/can information from this text inform you/your?
•    Personally
•    Communally
•    As a ministerial practice

Reading Response Paper Guidelines to Assigned Readings •    No title page requir

Reading Response Paper Guidelines to Assigned Readings
•    No title page required. Name and Date in header only.
You are required to write TWO SEPARATE PAPERS for the assigned reading pages.
Students are required to write 2 pages double-spaced 1’ margin. for EACH PAPER.
•    Read: Politics of Jesus by Obery Hendricks (pp. 1-73) and (pp 74-189)
Based on the assigned reading assignments, provide a response to the six questions listed below identifying question #’s 1- 6 on the paper.:
Papers must be grammatically sound, correctly punctuated, and properly sentence structured. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Cite your sources carefully with the page number! One point will be taken for each word spelled incorrectly.
1.    Identify and write a sentence or paragraph in the reading that made you stumble or caused a moment of “aha.” Describe why the particular sentence stuck out or caused a response in you. (Include the page number where the sentence is found)
2.    Identify a sentence that represents the thesis/proposition in this reading.
3.    What are the most persuasive ideas in the document?
4.    Are there points/ideas you do not agree with? List them.
5.    What new learnings did you find in the text and would you be interested in doing additional research?
6.    How does/can information from this text inform you/your?
•    Personally
•    Communally
•    As a ministerial practice

Building a team requires commitment and dedication. Effective teams are comprise

Building a team requires commitment and dedication. Effective teams are comprised of individuals with varying strengths and weaknesses. Teams function cohesively when members maximize the positive qualities of each member and minimize the negative ones.
Write a 2-3 page paper describing the characteristics of a balanced team. Ensure the following points are addressed.
Reference Book:  Laws of  Teamwork:  John C. Maxwell
Comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of a team
Explanation of a balanced team
Supporting Scripture and quotes from at least two quality sources (with proper APA citation).
Scholarly academic resources using APA format.

Complete a 10-12 page research paper on a specific historical, theological, or c

Complete a 10-12 page research paper on a specific historical, theological, or cultural difficulty. Front and back matter (such as title page, abstracts, and references list) do not count toward the page limit.
The purpose of this paper is to provide students with valuable background information for use in their own understanding of the Bible and future Bible teaching ministries. This is not a reflection paper, but a research paper filled with citations from at least six (6) high quality academic sources. Citing the Bible itself, study Bible notes, or class notes does not count toward the use of at least six (6) required academic sources, as these are assumed. Public websites should be used cautiously, though journal articles obtained through TIU library online databases are highly encouraged. The paper must demonstrate awareness of the key interpretive issues involved, interaction with current scholarship (course textbooks, Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias, exegetical commentaries, theological journals, etc.), awareness of biblical/theological themes, and the student’s conclusions about the above items.
Potentially helpful resources for use in selecting a topic and writing the paper include Hard Sayings of the Bible by Walter C. Kaiser, Peter H. Davids, F. F. Bruce, and Manfred Brauch (InterVarsity Press, 1996); Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties by Gleason Archer (Zondervan, 1982); and When Critics Ask: A Popular Handbook on Bible Difficulties by Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe (Victor Books, 1992).
Topic: The Conquest of Canan and how we can apply the topic to everyday Christian Living. Read the Book of Joshua…
In addition to research and interpretive conclusions, your ALP should have at least two pages of application. Ideally, you should make three to five points of application. It is not necessary to wait until the end of the paper to make applications to contemporary milieu. Obviously some topics listed above may be more amenable to application than others; for example, questions about cultural practices, and even theological questions, are more open to discussion than are hard-and-fast historical questions.
Choose wisely, understanding that the university is moving towards more emphasis on application in the ALP than in the past.