We have done a lot of exploring thorough past civilizations these last few weeks.

 Hello Time Travelers:
We have done a lot of exploring thorough past civilizations these last few weeks. For this forum I want you to give one final report. Tell us of your favorite experience of the past and why you think that event, place, person, or thing was significant to our understanding of that civilization.
***Topic Will Be the Life of Mohammed and the Spread of Islam**

Discussion of the topic: at least six slides.

Create a five-minute presentation with an audio recording. This presentation will combine visual media and written and recorded text on a slide. You also have to provide an outline of your presentation on one of the slides. 
The presentation must choose ONE of the regions we have discussed this semester. Create a presentation discussing:
In what ways has physical geography shaped the development of a particular civilization? Look at the political, social, cultural, and economic structures.
**Topic Will Be The North American Region Hopewell Culture**
 How You Will Be Assessed:
Successful assignments will be assessed on whether or not the presentations meet the following criteria:
The presentation will be five minutes long.
You will use a minimum of THREE academic sources to inform your research.
You will have a minimum of eight slides that include the following Introduction of the topic and region.
Outline of your presentation.
Discussion of the topic: at least six slides.
One slide explaining why or why not the study of history is important to become informed citizens.
One slide explains how understanding the motivations behind past cultures helps us understand world events today.
You have to provide an audio recording for each slide. If there is no audio, I will take 10 points off right away. 

Remember that the only version of king arthur that should guide this response is the one written by palenberg, boorman, and malory, from the reading folder in our ecampus page. 

Question: By the time he or she is finished reading, do the authors (Palenberg, Boorman and Malory) intend for readers to judge Arthur as a good and admirable king, whose strengths outweigh his weaknesses? 
Or as a bad king, impossible to admire, whose weaknesses outweigh his strengths? 
To support your response cite evidence from the story.
Remember that the only version of King Arthur that should guide this response is the one written by Palenberg, Boorman, and Malory, from the reading folder in our Ecampus page. 

Choose an event from the places and periods we have discussed in the past two weeks.

 Hello Time Travelers:
For this forum you are to act as a time traveler and report back on the things that you have experienced through your travels so far. Choose an event from the places and periods we have discussed in the past two weeks. As a time traveler your job is to observe but not interfere and not pass judgement on the civilization you are exploring. Your purpose will be to provide a first hand account of the event to report back to the present. Your report must be accurate and it must be well researched.
How to be successful in this post:
Choose two credible sources other than your textbook to provide you with information. If you use websites as sources be very careful of the types of websites you choose and make sure the information is credible.
Your report must be accurate and provide detail and specifics. The initial post must be 250 words and it must include citations for all information that is used from your research sources. This is a required part of all research writing.
**Subject will be the rise of the Mali Empire mid thirteenth century**