PubH 6572

Group Assignment #3: Campaign Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Due date: March 14, 2022


Campaign tracking and monitoring research is conducted after all previous research to

develop a campaign has been done and the campaign is ready to be launched. The

purpose of this kind of research is to determine effectiveness Do the messages and/or

materials that embody the campaign actually work as intended when implemented? This

kind of research is often described as program evaluation. A program evaluation can be

done as a process evaluation to assess how a campaign is being implemented, or outcome

evaluation to assess whether implementation produces intended (or unintended)

outcomes. Ideally, both types of evaluation will be employed.

We have discussed several good examples of effectiveness evaluation research in this

course. For example, the truth campaign outcome evaluation (see Farrelly et al., 2005 and

Evans et al, 2008 posting under course readings) related campaign exposure using self report

and media rating point (GRP) data to attitudinal and behavioral outcomes. Sessions

10-12 of the course covers these methods in depth, and there are several readings on the

course page to assist in developing this assignment.

The main purposes of effectiveness evaluation are to measure campaign reach, reactions,

effectiveness in achieving communication and behavioral objectives. There are specific

purposes and uses of process and outcome evaluation. Process evaluation is important

because it measures how a campaign is being implemented, whether it is being

implemented as planned, and whether immediate outputs are occurring. In the Valente

text, Chapter 5 provides a helpful framework for thinking about and applying process

evaluation principles.

Outcome evaluation is important because it determines whether the campaign as

implemented achieved its communication and behavioral objectives. Outcome evaluation

measures what effects the campaign has on these outcomes, and the relationship between

exposure to campaign messages and achieving objectives. Valente Chapters 11-12

provide helpful information on design and measurement in effectiveness evaluation.

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