Introduction:  Introduce your topic and key concepts  Convince the reader that your research area is important (Why should we care?)  Briefly explain the state of current knowledge on the topic (This is not a literature review here, just highlight the most essential points/theories)  Make a case for why your research is necessary to advance knowledge on the topic  Clearly state the purpose of your research  Approximately ¾ page Literature Review:  Describe, discuss, and critically evaluate the state of the literature on your topic  Highlight main perspectives used to study the topic and key findings  This is a synthesis of the literature. Rather than summarize each individual study, you should organize your notes on the literature and describe major insights, themes, theoretical perspectives, and the evidence that supports them.  Write an outline first, including notes of where you will cite various sources.  This section should provide a holistic overview of what the experts have to say about your topic.  This section should be written in APA style (see guide below).  Approximately 2.5-3 pages Research Questions (& hypotheses if quantitative):  For inductive research, clearly state your key research questions. Your questions should extend the current literature and be appropriate for qualitative research methods.  For deductive research, explain how you expect your variables to relate. Is something supposed to predict something else? Are certain variables hypothesized to have more impact than others? Clearly state your hypotheses.  Approximately 1 paragraph; hypotheses can be listed References:  List all references in APA style (alphabetical order). You must cite at least 5 academic sources in your literature review

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