Required Reading Assignments
Bowman, J. S., West, J. P., Berman, E. M., & Van Wart, M. (2004). The professional edge: Competencies in public service. Routledge. Chapter 3 – The Ethical Professional: Cultivating Scruples Chapter 3 – The Ethical Professional: Cultivating Scruples – Alternative Formats [Access this chapter by clicking on the hyperlinked chapter title] PFD FILE WAS ATTACHED IN THE UPLODA FILES BOX, CHECK IT.
Williams, B. N. (2015). Embracing ethical principles for public action. In J. L. Perry & R. K. Christensen (Eds.), Handbook of public administration (3rd ed., pp. 583-597). Jossey-Bass. [Access this chapter by clicking on the hyperlinked chapter title; this chapter is in an Cline Library e-book]
Vandenabeele, W., & Van Loon, N. M. (2015). Motivating employees using public service. In J. L. Perry & R. K. Christensen (Eds.), Handbook of public administration (3rd ed., pp. 353-365). Jossey-Bass. [Access this chapter by clicking on the hyperlinked chapter title; this chapter is in an Cline Library e-book]
McGuire, M., & Silvia, C. (2015). Managing effective collaborations. In J. L. Perry & R. K. Christensen (Eds.), Handbook of public administration (3rd ed., pp. 293-311). Jossey-Bass. [Access this chapter by clicking on the hyperlinked chapter title; this chapter is in an Cline Library e-book]
For the discussions in this module, we will consider the following topics (these will be pre-posted in the discussion board). You need to make one initial posting (you can choose the discussion topic of most interest) and one reply posting; your reply posting needs to be made in a different discussion topic. Access the discussion forum by clicking on the ‘Module 3 Discussions’ link below (scroll to the bottom of the learning module page).
Bowman et al. (2004) asserted that although it is necessary to understand individual-centered ethics, in order to fully understand professional ethics it also is necessary to consider ethics from an organizational perspective.
On what basis do they advance this idea, and do you agree with it? [Be sure to include specific references to the Bowman et al. chapter in your explanation]
How do the ideas presented in the Bowman et al. chapter relate to concepts in your other PADM courses? [Be specific by identifying particular concepts in specific PADM classes, along with ideas from the Bowman et al. chapter.]
How are the ideas of ethics in the Bowman et al. chapter related to, or evident in, your Capstone Project topic? [Again, be sure to include specific references to the Bowman et al. chapter in your explanation and provide a brief summary of your capstone project so that your classmates have an idea of your topic.]
Although leaders often are expected to set the ethical tone in an organization, Brian Williams (2015) asserted that in order to achieve consistent ethical actions, this leader-centric perspective needs to be complemented with a follower-centric, bottom-up approach.
On what grounds does Williams advance this idea, and what are the advantages of such an approach to ethical outcomes? [Be sure to include specific references to the Williams chapter in your explanation]
How do the ideas presented in Williams’ chapter relate to concepts in your other PADM courses? [Be specific by identifying particular concepts in specific PADM classes, along with ideas from the Williams chapter.]
How are the ideas of shared leadership in achieving mission goals as well as ethical behavior related to, or evident in, your Capstone Project topic? [Again, be sure to include specific references to the Williams chapter in your explanation and provide a brief summary of your capstone project so that your classmates have an idea of your topic.]
McGuire and Silvia (2015) emphasized that due to the growing complexity of social issues, public administrators need to operate across organizational and sectoral boundaries.
Why is working in collaboration with other government agencies, non-profit organizations, as well as other groups, such an important part of the public administrator’s leadership role? [Be sure to include specific references to the McGuire and Silvia chapter in your explanation.]
How do the ideas presented in the McGuire and Silvia chapter relate to concepts in your other PADM courses? [Be specific by identifying particular concepts in specific PADM classes, along with ideas from the McGuire and Silvia chapter.]
How are the ideas of collaboration related to, or evident in, your Capstone Project topic? [Again, be sure to include specific references to the McGuire and Silvia chapter in your explanation and provide a brief summary of your capstone project so that your classmates have an idea of your topic.]
Vandenabeele and Van Loon (2015) based the ideas in their chapter on the premise that people are the main asset in public organizations and, as such, the “human factor” becomes an important means by which leaders and managers can influence organizational outcomes (p. 353).
What are some strategies that a public administrator can use in generating higher levels of public service motivation? [Be sure to include specific references to the Vandenabeele and Van Loon chapter in your explanation, particularly information from pp. 363-365.]
How do the ideas presented in this chapter relate to concepts in your other PADM courses? [Be specific by identifying particular concepts in specific PADM classes, along with ideas from the Vandenabeele and Van Loon chapter.]
How are the ideas of public service motivation related to, or evident in, your Capstone Project topic? [Again, be sure to include specific references to the Vandenabeele and Van Loon chapter in your explanation and provide a brief summary of your capstone project so that your classmates have an idea of your topic.]
The goal of the discussions is to engage in a meaningful and insightful exchange of ideas, so be sure to put sufficient effort into both your initial posting and reply posting. Provide ample explanation and include references to the reading materials, references to ideas from your previous PADM courses, and, if appropriate, examples from your professional experiences or other relevant examples.
Your reply posting should add some additional insights to the discussion; avoid merely reiterating the ideas presented in the initial posting to which you are replying. In your reply posting, be sure to include specific references to the reading material related to the discussion topic/thread (i.e. if your reply posting is being made in the discussion thread related to public service motivation, your reply posting needs to include specific references to the Vandenabeele and Van Loon chapter).
Discussion points are not free points (i.e. they are not equivalent to attendance points where you merely need to show up), and points will be allocated based on the ‘Discussions Rubric’ in the course menu in the left sidebar.
You need to make only one original posting and one reply posting, so be sure to put in sufficient effort on each of those two postings.
Each posting needs to include at least one reference to our reading materials.

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