This outline should include the topic of your paper, the various pieces of evidence you are using, the structure of your paper, the specific topics of your body paragraphs, and a bibliography of your sources.
Helpful links include
How to Find Peer-Reviewed Articles in the Library
How to Evaluate Sources
Types of Sources
Chicago/Turabian Style Guides
Sample Research Paper Outlines
Instructions from the Syllabus regarding choosing a topic and the research paper.
Research Paper: Your research paper should start with an historical topic in a chapter about your future career. Please give me your topic as soon as possible so I can help direct you with your research.
Research Paper Draft Outline: This outline should include the topic of your paper, the various pieces of evidence you are using, the structure of your paper, the specific topics of your body paragraphs, and a bibliography of your sources. You must include at least 5 primary sources, 3 books from the Taft College Library (EBooks are acceptable), and 2 Academic, peer-reviewed articles. This outline should include the topic of your paper, the various pieces of evidence you are using, the structure of your paper, the specific topics of your body paragraphs, and a bibliography of your sources. A sample outline is included in the Modules and a “how to write an essay” is in the modules under Grading Rubrics and History Helps.
Research Paper Final Outline: You must include at least basic outline structure, topic and topic sentence/question, a completed outline with topics and subtopics, bibliography of 5 primary sources, 3 books from the Taft College library (eBooks are acceptable), and 2 academic, peer-reviewed articles.
Draft Research Paper: This should be 6-8 pages of text. Typed, double-spaced in a font no bigger than 12 with 1-inch margins. Be sure to include the bibliography. This should be a completed paper ready for me to suggest edits and tweaks not a few sentences on a page. A draft is a document that is ready for more changes.
Final Research Paper: This is your final submission of your 6-8 pages of content (and then the bibliography). Be sure any citations and your bibliography are written in Chicago/Turabian style. If you use direct quotations or paraphrasing from your sources, you must use the Chicago Style (Turabian) guidelines for your citation. Examples and how-to guides for this are available at
You must include at least
5 primary sources,
3 books from the Taft College Library, and
2 Academic, peer-reviewed articles.

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