For your reply to a classmate’s thread, choose one of the
Find a point of disagreement and give
your reasons.
Find a point of general agreement and
provide an improvement to some aspect of his or her point.
Your reply should make clear references to at
least one of the three sources, in a minimum of 200 words.
James Kennedy
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When reading and examining the course materials for this week
related to free will I found the strongest challenge to free will is
determinism. The existence of free will is based on the presence of agent’s
ability to choose what they want (Dew Jr., & Gould, 2019). If
determinism is true, then free will is simple a part of our imagination, but if
it is not true then it is completely just random (Dew Jr., & Gould, 2019).
One will find support for this in Carlo Filice’s article Free will is still alive. Carlo supports the notion free will is not determinism,
hence the only other choice is randomness (Flice, 2018). This is
challenging for me because there is three version of determinism; logically,
theologically, and physically. Each one states the future for someone is
already decided upon, solely by some form of other element.
When I look at the strongest defense of free will, I find myself
leaning towards compatibilism. It goes with the thinking that freedom and
determinism are compatible and have no conflict. Dew and Gould says, “All
that is required for freedom, says the compatibilist, is the “agent’s
unhindered ability to do (or choose) what he wants” (Dew Jr., & Gould,
2019). “As long as the agent does or choose what this agent wants to do or
choose, and does so without coercion, the act or choice is free even if
determined” (Dew Jr., & Gould, 2019).
Free will is absolutely an essential attribute of human
personhood. Their mere existence is made of the mind, body, and
soul. It is free will that gives a person to formulate their own beliefs,
choices in life, and desire. Those things give a person a purpose in life
and existence. Without the ability of free will no one would have a
choice of what happens in their daily life, and they would be controlled by
factors beyond their control or even our existence. Lynn Rudder Baker gave an
easy to understand explanation of the two qualities each person has. The first
quality is the intentional state, which is a person mental state that controls
desire, intentions and planning. It gives a person the ability to choose
who they love or hate. The second is the first person perspective, which
give the person the ability to have desires, intentions and plan. Free
will is manifested throughout scripture, God give us all choices and calls on
each of us to choose the path that he knows and will lead to him. In
Deuteronomy God spoke to the Israelites when he was finalizing his covenant
with them. He gave them the choice to choose life or to choose death. Free
will is built within each of use, God gave us that will. Free will is an
important part of human life, because without it, what would we really have?
Dew, J. K. & Gould, P. M. (2019). Philosophy: A Christian
Introduction. Retrieved from
Filice, C. (2018). Free Will Is Still Alive. Philosophy Now: a
magazine of ideas.
Bottom of Form
Matthew Harris
Free will
Top of Form
While I am a strong supporter of free will, I would tend to lean
towards Theological Determinism as being the strongest argument for any form of
a deterministic world. The consideration that God has determined the
outcome of all past and future events seems far more plausible than Logical or
Physical Determinism. Logical Determinism opens too large of a void and allows
for the theory that there is another deciding factor or deity that would make
decisions on my behalf. If it was preordained that I was going to either do
something or not do something a century before I did or did not do it, who or
what made that decision?
I’ll use the example from the reading of someone raising their arm
at a certain time. Taking the stance of Physical Determinism, that everything
that happened in the universe before that moment is what caused me to
arbitrarily make that physical movement for no reason. If you take into
consideration, the infinite number of actions that occurred prior to that
moment, such as a dinosaur stepping on an ant. There is no fathomable way that
it would eventually cause me to raise my arm at that moment for some arbitrary
I believe that the soft determinist side of compatibilism is the strongest defense for free will. This stance holds
that even if things are determined, one still has a choice to make decisions as
long as there are alternate possibilities to choose from.
It’s my belief that free will is essential for us in all aspects
of life. While I agree that God does determine certain aspects of our lives, he
also allows us free will. He may send us in certain directions during our
lives, such as bringing certain people to us; good, bad or otherwise. He may
present certain options to us, such as, open our eyes to potential passions or
interests or careers. But though he may give us these options, it is ultimately
our choice on whether to take those paths or choose the options he presents to
us. The decisions we make, turn us into who we are.
Please response to these 2 people for me

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