Each respective section should begin with its own heading. Beneath the heading, include body paragraphs that answer the sub-topics for that section. Each section should be at least one page long, with 12-point font and double-spaced paragraphs.
Section 6, 7, 8: Identify three weaknesses that Pennsylvania possesses. As in the previous sections, these could be social, economic, environmental, or any other weakness that contributes negatively to population growth and gross state product.
Section 9: Address the question of whether modern-day Texas can learn any lessons from any the issues you examined in Sections 3-8. These lessons should be politically or economically impactful at a statewide level. Focus specifically on challenges that Texas faces between now and 2050. This section is subjective, which means that you will be required to form opinions which you will then justify. (I can’t get you any sections before 6 since my partner is still working on it. Just use the information that you have. The sections 3-5 are about positive aspects of Pennsylvania so do what you can with that)
Cite all sources used to produce your final product. Use APA formatting in conjunction with in-line citations. Remember that open collaborative reference works such as Wikipedia are highly discouraged as sources, because of their potential bias and elusive quality control mechanisms.

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