This assignment continues to allow the instructor to get to know each student, but in a written format. Most importantly, this will allow the student the ability to share about life transitions you have experienced, the social roles you occupy in your family, and your goals and aspirations for the future. Your paper does not have to be long (3 pages, double-spaced, 1-inch margins on all sides, Times New Roman 12-point font) but needs to cover the following issues (in no order):
What is your family background? African American, middle class. Describe your own racial/ethnic/cultural background and your social class. Additionally, discuss what messages (verbal and nonverbal) you received about your cultural/racial/ethnic background as well as others.
Describe your educational background (where you attended high school and your university major). East Columbus High School and Behavioral Health and Science.
Some additional questions to consider: Were/are you a member of any clubs, organizations, or athletic teams? If so, which ones? No.
Did/do you work while attending high school and College? Yes, clinical research. What types of work did your parents and/or guardians do while you were growing up? Father drove trucks and mother worked in a factory. Describe your own work history. Briefly describe your future career goals. Make something up
. What gender assumptions/biases are common in your cultural group? Gay males are looked down upon. How is sexual orientation regarded? How did your family help shape your attitudes about sexual orientation?
Describe your current family arrangement. Are you partnered? Yes. Do you have children? Yes. Discuss extended family. Large extended family. Are you caring for any family members with chronic illness or providing childcare for anyone in your family?
How has your cultural identity influenced your experiences with oppression, power, and privilege?

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