I have to give a 5-minutes presentation on a company called Toonit, which is a Korean startup company. I am going to make ppt slides based on your research paper so I would like you to give me information about overview, statistical data, strengths, and competitors of Toonit. I will also provide you with an example of powerpoint presentation. The examples will show you which areas other people have researched and presented about. Based on the examples, I am sure you will get some idea of how this research paper should be guided to. And, there is no need for you to add these kinds of stuff like page titles, dates, course names, professor’s name, etc because I am not handing in this paper. If you have difficulties gathering information about Toonit, please let me know ASAP so that I can switch it to another company. Feel free to always contact me with any kinds of questions or concerns. Sooner the better. Thank you!

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