All readings are due before class on Friday so we can discuss them. After we have had a robust class discussion, I want you to find a current-day, real-life case study that depicts or relates to a theme from the week’s reading. Each current-event connection should connect with only one of that week’s readings, so if there are two readings in one week, only one should be the basis of your essay. The current-event news piece must be about Los Angeles and must be written articles, not videos.
Each 80-point essay should be 1-page, single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, with in-text citations and without headers. (Headers waste space. I know it’s you because the assignment is in Canvas.) Refer to that Friday’s reading and a previous week’s reading. I require the integration of other class readings because the process of developing critical thinking skills includes bringing different topics and themes together.
There are 15 possible readings this semester; you can write as many essays as you want but you must do 5. This assignment is worth almost half of your grade, but if you keep up with the assignments, you will do well. Upload your current-event connections essays to Canvas before midnight the Wednesday after our class discussion (so you have almost a week). Late essays will NOT be accepted. ** I have provided a checklist with the assignment rubric at the back of the syllabus. Each essay has its own upload portal on Canvas according to its deadline.

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