The COVID-19 pandemic has uprooted our way of life. It has particularly changed how the city has functioned. Companies such as Twitter, located in the heart of San Francisco, have decided to let a majority of employees work from home permanently, meanwhile Facebook and Amazon are expanding their physical offices around the country. Businesses such as restaurants cannot work remotely and have expanded their operations into outdoor dining and parking spaces. New York City’s outbreak was blamed on density, by the Governor of New York. Meanwhile extremely dense cities such as Tokyo, Toronto, Vancouver, and San Francisco have managed and limited the spread. Bicycles are increasingly harder to find and purchase, while automobile and transit use has plummeted. Demand for park space has increased significantly, but some claim that people will flee the city, despite rapidly rising cases in the suburbs.
How will all of this change the way cities develop and are used, or will it change the city at all? Are we witnessing temporary changes to adapt to the current situation, or do you think the changes are permanent? How might these changes impact equity and sustainability? Write 3 pages on how you think the city will change in regard to its functionality and how desirable it will remain. Use outside resources such as historical evidence from prior events that have influenced the form and experience of the city, or thoughtful critiques from media sources to support your argument.
3 pages
11 point font
Double Spaced
1 inch margins
Provide a clear and concise introduction
A body that provides clear and logical arguments
A clear and concise conclusion

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