THIS IS NOT AN ESSAY! Your homework assignment is to write public service announcements (PSAs) – You can write it for Protect the Pigeons or for a local nonprofit organization supporting some type of local program for the upcoming holiday season.
You MUST write a 10-second, a 20-second, and a 30-second version of the PSA. (Please note in your Word document, which is the 10-, 20- and 30-second version.) All 3 versions must be for the same organization/cause..
YOU HAVE THE OPTION of one of two different deadlines/scenarios for this assignment – You can choose which works best for you, but you must choose one:
– First scenario – the deadline for this option is Wednesday, November 9th by the end of the day. If you choose this deadline, then you will have the ability to do a rewrite of this assignment (which is a required element in your final semester portfolio) for a revised grade.
– Second scenario – the deadline will be Wednesday, November 16th by the end of the day — if you choose this deadline, you will get a grade on this assignment (which is a required element in your final semester portfolio) and get feedback, but you will not have the ability to submit a rewrite for a revised grade.

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