All readings are due before class each Tuesday so we can talk about them as a class. After we have had a robust class discussion, I want you to find a current-day, real-life case study you found in the news that depicts or relates to a theme from the week’s reading. Write an explanation why this case relates to that day’s reading material. Each essay (worth 75 points) should be 1-page, single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, with in-text citations and without headers. (Headers waste space. I know it’s you because the assignment is in Canvas.) Refer to that Tuesday’s reading and another week’s reading. I require the integration of other class readings because the process of developing critical thinking skills includes weaving different topics and themes together. I have provided a checklist after the assignment’s rubric at the back of the syllabus. please read this article and base on this article find current conecction essay and please do’nt forget to cite the website.
Lighter Shade of Brown? Racial Formation and Gentrification in Latino Los Angeles | Social Problems | Oxford Academic (

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