OBJECTIVEThis assignment gives you practice interpreting bivariate and multiple regression results.
HOW TO COMPLETE ITYou have two (2) attempts at the problem set. Your highest score will be kept.
Collaboration is allowed, though note that every problem set is different, so the correct answer varies from student to student. You may collaborate to figure out how to answer each question, but you must submit your own individual answer.
Pay close attention to the instructions in each question.
Always round your answers using the correct number of decimal places as specified in the question. Failure to round the answer as specified will result in incorrect grading by Canvas. Only round your final answer, not the intermediate steps in your calculations.
You may start the assignment at any time and you have until the due date to submit it. The assignment is not timed, so you don’t have to complete it in one sitting. You can answer a few questions and come back later to answer the remaining ones. Canvas should save your partial answers. You will know if your answers have been saved for later if you see the message “Quiz saved at XX:XX am/pm” next to the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page. Do not hit the ‘Submit’ button until you have completed all questions and are ready to submit your definitive answers. Once you hit ‘Submit’, you won’t be able to open the assignment again.
I recommend that you keep all your answers in a separate file in your computer in case there is a problem and Canvas does not save them.

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