Physical Activity, moving, can change many aspects of one’s life. Reading the Chapter, you learned that daily activity that moderately raises your your heart rate for 30 minutes a day, even in 10 minutes accumulated sessions, can decrease your chance of dying from a hypokinetic disease. That is a huge difference in your quality and quantity of life.
Watch this video and then discuss two of these items: (7 points)
1. List two activities you listed in your Chapter 10 Assessment. Either list the activities you did or the activities you could do to move more in your life. Do not list here things like going to the gym more. Describe the activity in detail. List activities that would be at least 10 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity.
2. Where you surprised that sitting was listed as more of a health risk factor than smoking? Discuss this in detail. Say more than, “yes I was surprised” discuss the implications as related to Physical Activity.
3. What do you think about physical education listed as a core subject in school? Should the importance of physical education in the curriculum be equal to the importance of reading and math?
Remember to reply to one other student. (3 points)
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