Reading Questions for Sappho and Euripides’ Alcestis
Answer the following questions as you do the assigned readings for next Tuesday on the most famous lyric poems of Sappho and on Euripides’ tragedy, the Alcestis. No need for complete sentences.Just write your answers in the document below using a different kind of font or color or margins or bullets so I can read your answers clearly.
The Poetry of Sappho:
Sappho lived in the Archaic Period (which immediately precedes the Classical Period) and is therefore roughly contemporaneous with Black Figure Ware.
In Sappho 1, in what way does Aphrodite “appear” in the middle of the poet’s prayer?What is the “war” that Sappho asks for Aphrodite’s help in?
In Sappho 16 (there are 2 translations of this poem, which is not perfectly preserved, on the website), what do you think is the point Sappho might be making with the example of Helen (from the Trojan War)? Is she saying that Helen is the most beautiful thing of all, or that she left because she found Paris to be the most beautiful?
In Sappho 31, how does Sappho describe the phenomenon of being in love?
The Alcestis of Euripides:…
Euripides is from the Classical Period and is roughly contemporaneous with the later examples of Red Figure Ware and the Parthenon.
In lines 1-20, Apollo provides the background for the tragedy.How is Apollo connected with Admetus?Why is Alcestis about to die on this day and what does this have to do with the continuing life of Admetus?
In lines 72-121, the members of the chorus speak with each other.The Chorus is one of the defining elements of Greek (Athenian) tragic drama.What do we learn from the chorus and what do they contribute to our understanding of events?
In lines 130-213, a maid appears.Euripides was famous for coming up with these kinds of characters (maids, nurses, servants, etc.) instead of only using famous and important people like the playwrights before him.What function does the maid serve in this play, and what does she add to the audience’s experience?
At 280 f., what does Alcestis say are her reasons for agreeing to die in place of her husband Admetus? What request does she make of him?
At lines 325-365, what do you think about Admetus’ comments about the impending death of his wife? (I’m interested in any reactions you might have, particularly to the idea of the image of Alcestis that Admetus plans to make)
At lines 611-740 (the debate between Admetus and his father Pheres), who do you think has the better argument, and why?
How does the Servant describe the behavior of Herakles at 745-775? (Herakles is the same hero that the Romans called Hercules).
What is the dramatic effect of having a drunk person appear in the middle of a tragedy (lines 770-800)?
Watch the following short video about Orpheus: (4:41).Why does the play mention Orpheus twice (at lines 349-50 and 970)?
How does Herakles “solve” the problem of the tragedy (lines 1000-1150)?

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