The article should be a primary research article (researchers directly reporting the results of their own experiments or studies)and notare view or summary article. The article should have appeared in the last five years, and must have been published in a peer-reviewed journal appropriate to the topic. Some suggested topics are
Secondary metabolism
Plant pathology
Plants in human nutrition
Plant domestication, origins of agriculture
Plant breeding and genetic resources
Plant biotechnology
Your review should include the title and complete citation of the article (all authors, year of publication, article title, journal title, journal volume number and page numbers). You must also provide a direct link to the article. The text of your review, exclusive of the above, should be approximately 2.5-3 pages in length, double-spaced, in 12 point type with 1” margins.
Your review should place your chosen article in context, summarize its methodology and key findings, critique its quality and conclusions, and relate the foregoing to one or more lecture topics covered in this course.
Except for the citation information as described above, your report must be entirely in your own words. Do not quote any part of the article, and do not use anyone else’s writing. Plagiarism will be severely penalized.

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