You have successfully passed your advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) certification course and received your credentials to practice as an APRN. You are interested in working for a full-service facility that focuses on prevention and wellness. The facility is scheduled to open in 45 days and is considered to become the most forward-thinking, state-of-the-art facility in the region. Describe the four basic methods by which you can negotiate salary compensation and choose the best method for your circumstances?
One initial post (Minimum 250 words)
Use at least 1 seminal resource.
seminal resource:
• American Psychological Association, (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (7th ed.). Washington, DC: APA.
• Buttaro, T.M., Trybulski, J.A., Bailey, P.B., & Sandberg-Cook, J. (2021). Primary care: A collaborative practice. (6th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby, Elsevier.
• Dunphy, L., Winland-Brown, J., Porter, B., Thomas, D. (2019). Primary Care: The art and science of advanced practice nursing (5th. ed.). F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia PA. Cite your sources in APA format

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