This assignment is intended to help you learn to do the following: Recognize the

This assignment is intended to help you learn to do the following:
Recognize the fundamental distinctions between three different perspectives on the self: the self as actor, agent, and author.
Recall some of the social factors that influence how we reason.
Summarize some of the many concepts and processes that comprise the human understanding of the mind.
Identify psychological adaptations.
Create a five-minute overview of the topic and its significance to the field of psychology. Provide your own personal examples as they apply to the content. Let your personality and creativity shine through.
Develop a teaching method for your class about the topics covered in the Evolutionary Theories in Psychology reading.
Biswas-Diener, R., & Diener, E. (Eds.). (2017). Together: The Science of Social Psychology (Links to an external site.). DEF publishers.

Go to the following website on thyroid cancer: (Links to a

Go to the following website on thyroid cancer: (Links to an external site.)
Summarize the different types of thyroid cancers. What are the treatments for thyroid cancer? What types of problems do you think a person with thyroid cancer might encounter? Why do you think there is a resource link on the website for a low iodine cookbook? What are the risk factors for thyroid cancer?
Investigate the use of corticosteroid agonists in treating asthma. Include a description of the affected target cells, and identify any potential risks associated with the use of this type of steroid hormone. Compare the risks and benefits of inhaled versus injected drug administration.
Be detailed in your explanation and support your answer with facts from your textbook, research, and articles from scholarly journals. In addition, remember to add references in APA format to your posts to avoid plagiarism